Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Poems...Mountaintop Dreams...Awake...Seasons

I was reading a book on poetry forms while driving out to Colorado w/ family.  Thought I'd practice the forms and do some writing.  What a place for inspiration!

This poem is called Mountaintop Dreams...(Shapely or Concrete form for anyone who cares. I find this stuff fascinating..words and how they roll off your tongue, how they sound..how they create a picture...ahhh!)

           Uncertain                  Distraction                            Re-entry
Lofty                                                  Downtrodden pit                   Love

This is called AWAKE-(Diamante)

                                              perky, alive
                                watching, laughing, running
                                yawning, drifting, bobbing
                                           eyelids shut


The rock that you stumble over
is as hard as a Nebraska winter
but as soft as a warm, fleece blanket

The grass beneath your picnic basket
breathes life like a Spring shower
Will you walk barefoot?

The sand is hot as tamales
baking your toes in a mid-July oven
Why does this season end so soon?

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