Sunday, June 24, 2012
Shallow--Inspired while in Uganda
Drums...lots of them...
Children...playing them with passion and fervor
Singing that was coming from a deep place of gratitude, intimacy and love towards Heavenly Father
...left me speechless, in awe of God, and helped my heart connect with the lover of my soul in an inexpressible way... This song called Shallow came from worshipping with children in Uganda on a Friday night...the best Friday night of my life!!
Here's a link to some of the songs we sang with them along with Shallow...
Pearl of Africa

Intruments included-
The children-Selfless, full of love, still kids and awnry stealing my heart even more, and they worshipped God at a depth I have never seen nor experienced before...beautiful and humbling.
The mothers-Each one was a widow who cared for 4 boys and 4 girls. They worked hard, cared deeply and had untold stories in their hearts I wish I could have heard.
My teammates-Honorable men and women who serve the Lord with passion. I look up to them all and value each one of them and the ways they showed me how to love in greater measures...and they made me laugh daily!
The missionary couples-They have laid down the comforts most of us are used to and live sacrificial lives to serve at Restoration Gateway. They have testimonies of God's faithfulness in calling them to Uganda. I wish you could have heard them share about how God made this orphanage a dream come true...His dream...vessels who said yes...and miracles still unfolding. Check out their website...
Click here to see pictures and listen to the song Pearl of Africa
Can you imagine a childhood where mere
abducted or killed are the norm?
Since the 1980s, AIDS and war have ravaged northern Uganda. A million have died from AIDS. 60,000 children have been abducted and forced to be soldiers or slaves in a war they did not want. [Read More]

Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) has been terrorizing and victimizing the people of northern Uganda. The LRA is a brutal rebel group that has abducted from 30,000 to 60,000 children, often younger than 10 years of age. Throughout the 20-year war against the Ugandan government, children were forced to serve as soldiers, slaves or wives. The LRA has killed and mutilated many thousands of other children and adults.
1.8 million people were forced to flee their homes and villages to live in squalid Internally Displaced People (IDP) camps, relying on humanitarian aid for mere survival. Peace finally has returned over the last few years as a result of the LRA being forced out of Uganda. People now are returning to their villages to rebuild their lives, though many in the younger generation have lost the opportunity to learn job skills and many have felt abandoned by God. Most families in northern Uganda have felt the trauma of losing loved ones to the LRA, either through murder or abduction. Every family has felt stark terror at the possibility of attack.
If the atrocities of the LRA weren't enough, Uganda also has long been plagued with an HIV/AIDS epidemic. 1.2 million people are living with the disease -- 150,000 of these are children. Uganda has the highest percentage of children orphaned by AIDS worldwide. Although medications exist that can help those living with HIV, very few Ugandans can afford them. Often these medications cannot even be found by those in need. This problem increases exponentially in the rural bush of northern Uganda, where medical care is woefully inadequate. HIV/AIDS continues to pose a very significant threat to the population of Uganda.
The needs and wounds in Uganda are staggering.
Only God can heal deep wounds, but He uses people like you and me to do it. RestorationGateway exists to join Christ in restoring peace and healing wounds among the vulnerable children and war-torn people of Northern Uganda. 500 acres of land overlooking the Nile is being developed into a holistic, reproducible community through Orphan Care, Health Care, Empowerment and Ministry to the Church. You can help.
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